Yup, simple question. I've just installed the plugin and configured the simplest form can ever exists - email field, submit button + privacy policy checkbox, but now I need to add some classes and semantic elements here and there to make it fit into website default stylesheet. Where I can find that template? (code below)
<form method="post" action="http://localhost:8888/?na=s">
<input type="hidden" name="nlang" value="">
<div class="tnp-field tnp-field-email">
<label for="tnp-1">Email</label>
<input class="tnp-email" type="email" name="ne" id="tnp-1" value="" placeholder="your e-mail" required="">
<div class="tnp-field tnp-privacy-field">
<input type="checkbox" name="ny" required="" class="tnp-privacy">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
<div class="tnp-field tnp-field-button" style="text-align: left">
<input class="tnp-submit" type="submit" value="Subscribe!">