@michael-travan Ok, I managed to get rid of that annoying warning by actually creating a list, adding all our subscribers to that list and then configuring that list, so all new subscribers are automatically added to it. Then selected that new list to show as pre-selected on the selection checkmark on the Newsletter form, then hiding the Selection checkmark/icon with CSS. Hopefully this will work as I intended it to. I made a test, and it seems that a new subscriber was subscribed successfully.
In the past what we have done is just create new bulletins and send the bulletin to all subscribers, there was no actual list created, and this warning never appeared, so not sure what changed on your plugin.
Now, why don't you guys make that optional? I'm sure other people will have this issue as well. Yeah, I'm the admin, but I want to see the site as it is supposed to look. That warning is a good idea to help with certain configurations, but there should be a way to hide it.