I was using my web host's SMTP ports and it was working okay. Recently, I have decided to sign up for G Suite email with my domain. So my email is no longer @gmail.com but it is as same as my website.
Here comes the problem. I can't setup SMTP settings in the plugin for it to work. It always show error "SMTP connect() failed. https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer/wiki/Troubleshooting" when I'm trying to send test email.
Things I had done:
1. admin.google.com >>Apps > G Suite > Settings for Gmail > End user access > Allow per-user outbound gateways
2. admin.google.com >>Apps > G Suite > Settings for Gmail > Advanced settings > SMTP relay service
2.1 Allowed senders: Only addresses in my domains
Only accept mail from the specified IP addresses: No
Require SMTP Authentication: Yes
Require TLS encryption: Yes
3. admin.google.com >>Apps > G Suite > Settings for Gmail > Advanced settings > Allow Comprehensive mail storage
4. admin.google.com >>Apps > G Suite > Settings for Gmail > Advanced settings > Secure transport (TLS) compliance
4.1 Messages: Outbound - messages requiring Secure Transport via another setting
Cert Type: CA signed certificates only
5. I have set up plugin's SMTP setting according to https://support.google.com/a/answer/2956491
I don't know what there is left to do anymore. Please, help.