I'd like to be able to adjust font size by relative ± numbers. A lot of my readers use larger font sizes in their readers due to vision issues, so if I choose a larger font size for emphasis or some other reason, it could end up appearing smaller instead.
Also, biggest feature I miss since moving from Mailchimp: a text block with an image beside it as 2 columns (like in the main header). The current Columns block doesn't work with paragraphs. I'd also like to be able to left-justify text under a Hero since it's more accessible to people with dyslexia.
Hi, did you solve the second issue you reported in april, about the columns?
I probably experience the same problem. While creating a newsletter using text blocks, the preview shows images next to the text, but the recipients see the text and the image below each other.
AND: I couldn't find the columns block that you mention. Kind regards, Nico vdW (Alkmaar, the Netherlands).