Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Error when sending the newsletter

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  • #160036

    I send a newsletter every 2 weeks and it worked fine.
    I now have this error message:
    "Database error see the log files (log files path can be found on Newsletter diagnostic panel)"
    After pressing 'send' The letter is not sent and indeed not saved (it saves the first version, but not the changes I add to it).
    I use WP4.8.9 and Newsletter5.8.9.
    If there is something to do, please be clear and pedagogical - I'm not the finest expert... 🙂

    Going to the log files, in the file "store-2019-03-630d9ca5.txt" I get:
    15-03-2019 11:39:03 - FATAL - m: 11,5 MB, u: 1 -
    15-03-2019 11:39:03 - FATAL - m: 11,5 MB, u: 1 - SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM wp_newsletter_emails


    I forgot to mention that I am using THEME-3 template, and that the spacing between lines is now about 1.5 whereas it used to be 1 before (if that does matter).
    The error also appears when I use the test or save options. Otherwise, the general checks in the status menu are all OK.

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