Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support double-opt-in protocol of the klicks – EU DSGVO from 25. May 2018

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    all EU users and developers have to face the new DSGVO. It commits every website operator to have a protocol of every double-opt-in klick from his recepients. We will have to have this protocol ready for documentation purpose to proof the consent of receiving the newsletter.

    What we need would be something like a time-stamp of the double-opt-in klick to see in the subscribers list and also the possibility to save or print the protocol for documentation purpose.

    Is or will be a function for this? It will be neccessary for every one in Europe and therefore a ko criteria using a newsletter plugin or not.

    Thanks for your support and I hope you will implement this to your great plugin.



    Hi, most of the GDPR requirements are implemented, the double opt in is not a requirement of the GDPR, but as you already know Newsletter supports it. The subscription timestamp is already stored and that can be considered when the privacy rules have been accepted.

    We’re completing our GDPR full complaint version, will be released shortly.



    Thank your information. Looking forward to the new GDPR release.


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