Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support display and unsubscription problems

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  • #78051


    I have some problem with unsubscription. When I click on "Annulla iscrizione", I'm redirected on a white page with the string "no subscriber found". Can i change it?

    I also have another problem with the newsletter mail. When I receive and open it, the mail is displayed too wide. How can I resolve it?



    No subscriber found means there is not subscriber for that unsubscription link, probably it has been deleted or already unsubscribed. If that is not the case, could be a problem of the blog removing the url parameters.

    About the newsletter not showing correctly we need a screenshot and the email client you're using.



    Hi Stefano,
    I found the reason of the error in the unsuscribe procedure. As suggested by "Florox" here, I added a return statement (return $user;) at the end of the unsuscribe method (line 669 of plugin/newsletter/subscription/subscription.php) and now it work correctly.

    Please include this small bugfix (or an equivalent one) in the unsuscribe method in the next release, so it will be available to all users.

    Thank you.


    Hi Stefano
    I understand the reason for the "No subscriber found."

    My problem is that is on a blank white page and not the website's Newsletter signup or similar page. How do I control this landing page?

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