Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Diagnostics Panel Missing, Send button Missing

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  • #124473
    Hilary Boone

    Hello, I love this plugin, I have premium.
    Please help me

    The diagnostic area is not available, missing, not there.
    The send newsletter in the edit newsletter is missing , only

    Reset Save Save and Preview


    Hilary Boone

    If it is a problem please advise where to look on my plugin folder.

    Hilary Boone

    Ah it seems the send button only missing in the drag and drop newsletter creator area... that may be due to a conflict of plugins..

    However diagnostic is still missing I can not find the option for this


    press save and preview to select the receivers and other options and send it. The diagnostic panel has been removed and everything moved to the status panel. Where did you find a link t the diagnostic panel?

    Hilary Boone

    I didnt find a link to the diagnostic panel, however you have now told me its status.
    The video lessons obviously have not been updated to your new layout 🙂

    Hilary Boone

    And thank you , Yes i found it, the send button, hurrah, only 4 hours of today wasted , too much time editing the site , I shall blame that for my ignorance hehe


    so where did you find it? I have been looking for it and deactivating plugins for hours

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