I've made a temporary list called "Crowdfunding" of people who participated in my crowdfunding. Some of these people are also on a list called "Newsletter" and receive a monthlly newsletter. How can I remove all subscribers from the list "Crowdfunding" but not delete the subscribers that are also on my list "Newsletter"?
if you go to Subscription > Lists, you can unlink all subscribers from the Crowdfunding list and they'll still be linked to the other lists you have. If I understood correctly what you're trying to do : )
thanks for your reply. I need to remove all of those email addresses as well, as they were only temporarily in use for the (now ended) crowdfunding. Is there an easy way to remove all of them or do I have to go through them single-handedly?
Yes, sorry for this delay. The easiest way to do this is to export a csv of your mailing list, sort them by lists, delete the desired ones, and then re-upload the filtered list.