Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Customize Social Media Buttons - XING

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  • #272825

    how can I customize the social media buttons? I would like to insert the XING button. Is this possible?

    Thank You for your help.


    My question to Stefanno is if he could possibly add Xing as a social option.
    I got xing in this way:
    I took one of the social icons I wasn't using (in this case "discord") via FTP from:
    newsletter/emails/themes/default/images/ (I am using the default theme)
    and swapped it with the xing icon. I left the name of the file as "discord.png". I then entered the details for the xing link in the box for Discord in the social icons area in the newsletter backend (settings -> company information -> social)
    It is obviously not ideal and (potentially) needs to be manually updated every time the newsletter plugin is updated. But it works

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