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  • #102482

    I have pre-sales query about the Contact Form 7 extension

    When using a CF7 form to capture subscription details, what is the detail of the integrated workflow ? At what point does CF7 hand-over to Newsletter?

    Is it correct to assume that the CF7 form configuration would be responsible for the initial success message and the Newsletter configured processing begins with recording the CF7 captured/validated data?

    If so, would the workflow be as follows?

    CF7 form captures subscription data entry
    CF7 validates data entered on the form based on validation rules configured in CF7

    If data entered fails CF7 validation
    - CF7 displays error messages configured in CF7
    - Process stops

    If CF7 validation is successful
    - CF7 displays success message configured in CF7
    - Newsletter recognises success event and accepts/records subscription data
    - Newsletter picks up process and continues in same way as if validated data was from Newsletter form

    If using double opt-in, would the following apply:
    - The CF7 configured 'success' message be used to inform the subscriber to expect a double opt-in email for them to confirm their details ?
    - The Newsletter configured process begin with sending the double opt-in email (i.e. the Newsletter activation message would not happen ?

    Thanks, Rhys


    Yes, that is exactly the process. Newsletter subscribes the contact just before CF7 sends the contact email. The subscription is the regular subscription process of Newsletter.

    For each CF7 form you can configure how Newsletter should intercept and manage the collected data. The only modification required, if desired, is to add the subscription checkbox in the CF7 form (see the documentation on this site for more details).




    Thank you for your fast response to my question (and for what I am finding out to be an excellent newsletter solution)

    I intend to purchase the extension pack shortly and continue my deep dive into your plugin in preparation for moving out of my local test environment

    Thanks again


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