Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Constant ABSPATH already defined

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  • #250527

    I just installed Newsletter on my WP (latest version) and in the status page when I try to send a test email I get the error "Constant ABSPATH already defined".
    I've disabled ALL the plugins (except Newsletter) to see if it was a plugin creating the error but it's still there...

    The only other error I get in the status page is:
    Database Charset KO Charset:
    The recommended charset for your database is utf8mb4 to avoid possible saving errors when you use emoji. Read the WordPress Codex conversion instructions (skilled technicia required).

    Doubt they are related but I thought I should mention it.
    How can I troubleshoot these errors?


    Hi, check if you have a SMTP or email custom plugin in your blog, that is something for sure triggered by a third party with a pluggable function.


    The only plugins I had that have anything to do with email are "Fast Secure Contact Form" and "Postie". I have deleted both of them and then gone back to the Newsletter status page and now I get the error:

    FAILED (Undefined index: wp_db_temp_dir)
    Read more.- Try to set on main setting a sender address with the same domain of your blog

    I now have almost ALL plugins disabled and I still get this error. The only plugins that are active are: Akismet, JetPack, Limit Login Attempts Reloaded, QuickTime Embed, WordPress Database Backup and of course Newsletter

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