Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Confused on how to configure Postman with Newsletter

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  • #30714

    Ciao Stefano .et al,

    I've already been using external SMTP for sending out my newsletters - but I keep getting e-mails from readers who said they are not getting them. My understanding, from reading here and elsewhere, is that Postman is a more reliable way to do this.

    I can't figure out how to configure it. Because in the support docs it says:

    Probably the most famous is Postman SMTP. Using WordPress as first choice to send emails lets bloggers to control how each email send by their site is delivered.


    So, using "Wordpress First" activates Postman? Because in the settings page (/wp-admin/admin.php?page=newsletter_main_main) under the heading, "Send email directly" there is a note that says:

    Instead of using WordPress email are sent directly by Newsletter. This enable the textual part of newsletters and the content encoding setting. Keep at "No" if you're using ans SMTP plugin like Postman. Read more.

    Then I found this reply, in these forums...

    If you want to use postman, keep the direct send and the smtp disable in Newsletter.


    OK, so now I'm TOTALLY confused!





    Hi, just install and configure postman and test it. Disable the newsletter SMTP option and set on main settings Newsletter to NOT send email directly.

    That's all, Stefano.


    AH... OK, I sent out a test newsletter out and I got it. It's working!!! What made me think that it wasn't working was that I sent out a "test email" from the SMTP setting screen.

    Is there some other place where I can send out a test e-mail without having to create a test newsletter and sending it to the "test subscribers"?



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