Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Completing subscription should not go to the profile page, but confirm only?

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  • #27909


    I've choosen to make subscription like you advised here:

    After the user is subscribed and confirmed, you can show the profile editing form and ask him to give you some more data.

    Ask just for the e-mail, and then on the welcome page ask for more information. I included on the welcome page {profile_form} for this.

    Now, if the new subscriber fills out the additional fields (first name, family name, gender), and saves the form, he is brought to the standard profile page, where I introduce the page "Hi, this is your profile page. Here you can modify your profile". ---- Well, argh ... I would just expect a little confirmation instead "Thank you for completing your profile" ...

    (Besides, updating the profile from the profile page gives me an annoying popup saying "Succesfully saved", instead of rendering this on the newsletter page.)

    Is this the indented behaviour? Or do I oversee something obvious? Or is it a bug? Or is what I want more a feature request?

    Thanks very much in advance considering this!



    Setup the after save message and you'll have an alter after the profile is saved.



    Yes, I did setup the after save message.
    This brings up a dialog-box with the text, and after "OK", I'm back to the profile editing page. I think, this is confusing ...

    But from you answer I conclude, that this is the intended behavior?

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