Several readers of my newsletter complain that they can't see the URLs of the outbound links in the newsletter. The fact is these links are coded with this kind of structure https://www.mywebsite.fr/?nltr=MjUxOzQyO2h0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnByZXNzZS1jaXRyb24ubmV0L2FtYXpvbi1wcmVzZW50ZS11bi1kcm9uZS1jYW1lcmEtZGUtc2VjdXJpdGUtcG91ci1sYS1tYWlzb24vOztlZWM5ZWYxNDIwNDliMmFlMTk3NjQwZjQwMmE4MjFkYw%3D%3D and readers can't have a preview of what they're about to click on.
Is there a way to have clean URLs that display the real domain/URL of the outbound links? It would be of great help, I am losing susbscribers because of it.