Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Changing Welcome Message

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  • #256320

    When someone subscribes to my newsletter, they get this email:

    Subscriber details:

    first name:
    last name:
    gender: n
    token: 556e46e410
    status: C

    How do I get rid of it? It's insane that it implies in any way that I'm trying to record people's legal names and genders. I'd consider it practically an invasion of my privacy on the receiving end of such a bizarre notice; Please assist with this.
    Going to "Settings ---> Message Templates" and deleting everything there doesn't help. I'm not tech savvy and am at a loss on how to proceed.


    Hi, the message you're referring to is the admin notification, you can remove your address from the subscription configuration page. It is not sent to subscribers.
    The welcome message, which can be configured in the subscription configuration page is sent to your subscribers and it uses the message template you can define on the "message template page".



    Thank you for posting something like this

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