Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Change font family in newsletter composer with CSS

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    Hi, for my new blog website I’ve chosen nunito sans, a google font, for all texts.
    In the newsletter composer I cannot choose this font. Can I change this in the (advanced) General Settings with CSS?
    I have been able to change the font and styling of the subscription form there. I’ve studied all the documentation, but did not find this one.

    Can you help me out?
    By the way, for now, I have a free license, not sure that makes a difference.
    Thanks, James.


    Hello James, and thanks for using our plugin.

    Fonts in email design are a little bit different from web design (eg. your own blog pages) and not all fonts are to be considered safe for use. That's why we've included only fonts that 100% of the clients will render properly. However, as Google Fonts are getting more and more widely supported, we're currently testing them in our Composer and we'll be adding them in the near future.



    OK, Michael, thanks very or your quick response! Appreciate it.
    In the Message Template I changed the service messages to my font as well, everything works smoothly. That's why I figured to change the font in the composer in the same kind of way. Great to hear you're planning to expand the font types. Thanks again. James

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