Noone replied so I'm a bit disappointed 🙂
Anyways - ive spent a few days getting my newsletter to work so maybe my pain will help someone ... pain because I am not a developer and current company doesn't provide development support or premium support !!
2 problems with the plugin - Its important to say the newsletter team has made a good plugin and you cant expect more from the 'free' version but the problems I faced are faced by many people 🙂
* customized the image block php file to show full width images (wp_content/plugins/newsletter/emails/tnp_composer/blocks => changed width in - earlier width:800px
* customized the 1-col posts block php file to take the categories as set - I added a category to show certain posts and events in newsletter but the block wasn't taking the category setting (wp_content/plugins/newsletter/emails/tnp_composer/blocks => changed $filters['category__in'] = $_POST['categories'] - earlier it was $filters['category__in'] = ''
* customized the 1-col posts block php file to query on a different post type - I added a custom post type and wanted to show those posts in this block
(wp_content/plugins/newsletter/emails/tnp_composer/blocks => added $filters['post_type'] = 'all_events' before get_posts()
If anyone wants to return the favour they can tell me if these changes would not make the newsletter responsive.