Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Body Classes According TNA Page State

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  • #296364


    I'm looking for a way to know (through CSS) if the newsletter confirmation/subscription page is displaying the form or the confirmation message. I thought there would be a class in the body tag of the page like "tnp-confirm" but I didn't find anything like so. Did I miss something? Is there another way to achieve this?

    If not, it would be really great to be able to style/hide/display different things on the page according its state/status. Classes inside the body tag seems to be an easy and effective way. Such classes could be "tna-confirm", "tna-form", "tna-error", "tna-unsucribe", etc.

    Thank you!

    Have a great day,


    Hi, I've created a task for devs, thank you!
    Possibly you can add a div with a class around the messages editing them on subscription, profile, and cancellation configuration pages.

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