Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Blank Preview?

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  • #171766


    Been using the plugin for a few years now and in the last 2 months my preview has just stopped working. It's a blank box and I've no idea why it's stopped working. To see what is in the newsletter I have to go to the next page and then go back if I've to make changes. Anyone any ideas?


    Are you using the drag and drop composer?


    No. I just go through new newsletter (vimeo style) and then normally I would choose the amount of recent posts I want in the newsletter. Before I could scroll down the preview to find the ones that were new since the last newsletter and then change the number of posts to be included. Now I've to go to the next screen to do that and then go back to change the amount of posts. Not a huge thing but somewhat annoying! Just wasn't sure if I was doing something wrong. Thanks for your help with it!

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