Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support autoresponder question

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    a) I have two main newsletter lists. When they subscribe I want to send them a "Follow Up" But I can't seem to segment "follow up" depending on the list they are subscribed to. Looking at "Follow Up" I can only send the same follow up to all subscribers. Either I have it wrong or it's odd not to have a segmentation option.

    b) I have an existing subscribers list. I want to send this existing subscribers an automated newsletter every month. I want to pre plan the posts now. And have 12 monthly installments. The only way I see doing this is to set up a category X, create 12 posts, publish one now and then schedule-for-publish the other 11 one, two, three, four, etc month in the future. These posts will then picked up by Automated and published to the list as per the monthly schedule. Is this the way to do it? Or am I missing something?


    Hi, you can use the autoresponder extension, probably it suits your needs. It's beta and still not fully documented, find it in your extension panels.

    Automated is not the right tool to send that kind of planned emails.



    Hi Stefano

    Thanks. Looks good.

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