Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Autoresponder and Export questions

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    Hi, can autoresponder can be configured to send emails to members in a particular list on specific days?

    For example, I have an event on the 22/02, and I want members in list 2 to receive reminder emails on 17/02, 20/02 regardless of when they join the list. If they join after 17/02, they only receive the 20/02 reminder, or if they join 21/02, they receive no email.

    Also, is it possible to export the list of 'confirmed' subscribers? I tried searching for these questions in the forum but can't find anything similar that has been asked.

    Thank you.


    Hi, you can export all subscribers and then filter them from the exported file looking a the column "status" with value C.
    For the autoresponder, I think it is not the right method: you can create a newsletter, select the targeted list and send it on a future date. Subscribers are extracted respecting the list filter at the sending moment, not when you create the newsletter or plan the future sending date.

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