Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Automated Newsletter design set font-family of links and Last posts rm button

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  • #277485

    Hello there,

    We are setting up a new design for our automated newsletter. We already set up different customized blocks under /wp-content/extensions/newsletter/blocks/ and our main focus is on changing the font to 'Exo 2'.
    1) Is there a way to define the global font-family of (hyper)links to "Exo 2"? And if not so: What code should I insert into the different block elements in order to activate the right font for links? Somehow the font-family in the text blocks is 'Exo 2', but whenever I want to set an URL to specific words via Ctrl+K, it reverses to Helvetica, Arial - but only the words with the underlying URL.
    2) How do I change the font-family of the Read more...-button in the block "Last posts"? Somehow, the font in the title and excerpt is 'Exo 2', but the button is still on Helvetica, Arial...
    We would even be ready to set the font-family of all automated newsletter elements to 'Exo 2'.

    Thank you very much in advance,
    Fabian Schneider


    Hi, if you're setting up a specific block, you can change the HTML with an inline style with your own font. The standard block makes available only the font you can select in the block configuration.
    Note that web font (like Exo 2 and so on) des not shows up on most email clients.

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