Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Aggregated sendouts?

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  • #284098
    CCS WebMaster

    We have a multi site setup where our different districts have their own subsites and news flows and subscriptions but we have one common national site that is our landing page.
    So on the national site we would like the possibility for subscribers to subscribe on an aggregated view from all subsites news + news from the national site.
    Is this possible?


    Hi, I think you should code something specific like a custom block able to extract from different sites.

    CCS WebMaster

    Thanks for your reply. See that several similar wishes/questions are raised. Maybe a future feature?

    CCS WebMaster

    Any suggestion from some one on how such a solution could look like?

    CCS WebMaster

    Oldie but still valid... Anybody have simular need or even managed to create a solution for multisite setup?

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