Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Action call?

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  • #30675

    Hi, thanks for the application. I have this message on the SYSTEM STATUS. Thanks for the application. I have this message on the SYSTEM STATUS. Call: The blog is not responding to Newsletter URLs: ask the provider or your IT consultant to check this problem. Report the URL and error blow
    Error: cURL error 7: Failed to connect to dominio.com port 80: Connection refused
    Url: http://dominio.com/?na=test

    This test I did in the Url and the blank page with an OK, so I do not understand what is wrong?
    Thanks for any orientation


    it means the plugin is not able to call itself. Could not be a problem, but usually it means WP is not able to trigger the internal scheduler, for example. That happens when the webserver has the wrong DNS configured.

    If you can access to server with a shell try to ping dominio.com and look at the answer of ping command.



    Hello Stefano -- I have exactly the same problem, in the Status page the Action call reports "KO" in red. Checking the address provided shows a blank page with "OK" though.

    I accessed my server with a shell and pinging my own domain works as expected.

    What's the issue here?


    Bryan Waters

    Same as above...please advise.

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