Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Accuracy of newsletter statistics – links clicked

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  • #339420
    Mike M.

    How accurate are the statistics given per newsletter? We are a publication that sends our latest articles once a week. We include medium rectangle ads from sponsors. A recent newsletter to 9356 subscribers showed an open rate of 23.2% (2166 total people that opened) and 12.2% clicks (1143 people clicked a link). The stats for links within the newsletter show the one ad having 1048 clicks. Content clicks are equally as absurd and can’t be accurate. Is there a reason these numbers are so high? What are others doing to accurately track clicks? Google Analytics? I’m not sure why the stats are included if they’re off and can’t be collected accurately.


    Hello Mike,

    click stats on overview tab are related to subscribers who clicked, not single clicks. On links tab, those are the total clicks (a user could have clicked more than once) a link got.

    Click tracking is 100% accurate. Opens tracking can be affected by bots, antivirus software etc.


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