Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Ability to have one-time test recipients per newsletter

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  • #323716
    Mike M.

    Maybe we're a unique case, but we sometimes send newsletters that require the approval of a third-party (i.e., ad sponsor) before sending. This third-party can change from newsletter to newsletter, so keeping them permanently set as a test subscriber isn't ideal. In my workflow, this means I have to find the subscriber's record, change them to a test recipient, send the test, then remember to go back and toggle them off as a tester.

    Would it be possible to add a field to the newsletter edit "Targeting" or "Advanced" tabs where I could simply manually add a tester's email address?

    Would others find this useful?



    there is a testing button just above the composer main area (paperplane icon) where you can input whatever email address you need to and a test newlsetter will be sent to that address. Is this enough or did I misunderstand what you'd like to have?


    Mike M.

    Ahh, now I see. I don't use the composer. I import my html from another tool. When doing so, there is no paper airplane/test icon I can use.


    Oh I see Mike, yes, in that case there is no test option, except for using test subscribers. Adding the same option as there is in regular newsletters shouldn't be a big deal, I'll pass this to our developers.

    Thanks for your feedback,

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