Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support 404 page not found on any newsletter page

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  • #339795

    Hi Guys,

    We have just noticed that any link/page in the newsletter, whether redirection after clicking to subscribe or to manage the subscription, gives a 404 page not found.
    The page with the shortcode is set up and set in the settings.

    To trouble shoot I try this: When I go to Subscribers->Profile Page and click on Preview Online, the profile pages loads well.
    But when I got to Subscribers->Unsubscribe and click on Preview Online any of the subpages: Confirm/Goodbay/Resucribe I get the 404 page.

    You can check it on my website: wilda.eco.

    Are you able to help me with that? Is that only my problem or the plugin issue, perhaps after an update?

    Best regards,



    I just tried to sign up and I can confirm the 404s. Are you sure you created a Newsletter page with only the newsletter main tag in it?



    Hi Michael,

    There was a header as well, but I changed it to just the [newsletter] shortcode and nothing more, and it did not help. Besides, the newsletter was working well before—we had it on our page for several months.

    I have just tried to subscribe again and found out that it redirects to this link: wilda.eco/en/en/newsletter/?nm=confirmation&nk=113-923e0519de
    When I remove the double /en/en/ from the link and open it, it shows the correct page. The same is true for the confirmation link.
    It does not work however for the Polish version, although the /en/en/ is still added there. The link looks like this for the Polish version:L https://wilda.eco/pl/en/en/newsletter/%3fnm%3derror#TRPLINKPROCESSED
    Our page does not have the /en/ for the default English language. We use Translatepress.

    Once again, it had all worked well before for both languages.

    Best regards,


    Hello Adam,

    we’re looking into this, it’s related to how TranslatePress works. I’ll get back to you as soon as we’ll have any news.



    Hi Micheal,

    OK, thank you. I will be waiting for your news on that issue.

    Best regards,

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