The Events Calendar add-on is designed for The Events Calendar plugin by Modern Tribe and it adds the capability to Newsletter to extract events and add it to your newsletters.
The integration is tested with the free version of The Events Calendar. If you installed the Pro version or other TEC addon, issues could arise, please report them by contacting our support team.
What's inside
The main component of this add-on is a specialized composer block (see the picture below) which can be configured to extract events. You won’t find a configuration panel for this add-on in our Newsletter main menu.
The events composer block
The add-on provides a new composer block (similar to the “Posts” block) but is designed to extract the events and present them as a list.

The block main options are:
- show/hide the event image
- controls the appearance of the title, excerpt (with length), and button (linked to the event page on your site)
- one-column or two-column layout
- max number of events to show
- event ordering by time: from near to far, from far to near
- on/off control over location, date, and time
- filter by category

Using the Automated addon
Combined with the Automated add-on, you can even generate automatically daily, weekly, or monthly newsletters with the latest events!
Automated supports the newsletter design using the composer and the events block by this add-on is able to automatically regenerate extracting the new events. When used in the context of the Automated addon, the block shows more options to control the newsletter generation.
The most used and recommended option is to set the block to “stop” the newsletter generation is there are no new events. This way your subscriber won’t receive duplicated newsletters.

Configuring an Automated channel to send the latest event is nothing special:
- design the newsletter template for that channel
- add the “Events” block (recommended to configure it to block the newsletter generation if there are no new events)
- add other blocks (header, footer, …)
Nothing else: once the channel scheduling is set and the channel enabled, following the configured plan a newsletter is generated with the latest events and sent to your subscribers.
Can I show more event info? You should create a custom block starting from the provided one and extract from the event the data you need.
My events have custom values I would like to include in the newsletter, is it possible? The provided block isn’t aware of other information attached to events (they could be pro features of The Event Calendar or details added by third-party plugin). You can anyway code a custom block starting from the provided one.
What about recurring events? Recurring events are managed by The Events Calendar plugin and when we query it for the latest events it returns different distinct events, that, of course, are rendered in a similar way. We cannot show a recurring event as a single element.