SendPulse Addon

This addon integrates the Newsletter plugin for WordPress with the SendPulse email delivery service (known even as SendPulse SMTP service).

To use SendPulse you need an account with them. It’s free, signup now.

What's inside

Sender Domain or Emails

This is a first mandatory step!

Before start using SendPulse, you need to verify a domain or one or more email addresses you’ll use in the “from” address of your newsletters.

On the SendPulse SMTP settings you can configure them, ask for support to SendPulse if you have any issue.

Be sure, on the Newsletter plugin general settings, to use as sender a verified domain or email address (even for the return path and reply to, if used).

The API ID and Secret

To connect the Newsletter plugin with SendPulse you need the API ID and Secret: you canm find or generate them on the SendPulse API page.

Copy them on the addon configuration page and run a test.

The Webhook

To let the addon receive notificaiton about bounces, complants, and so on, a webhook needs to be manually created. SendPuklse does not provide a way to create it automatically.

So, move to the SendPulse API page and you’ll see a “Webhooks” section. Add a webhook for the transactional emails.

You need the Callback URL you can find on the addon configuration page, tab “bounces”. It is something like:


On the webhook creation form, copy the Callback URL and select the events to be reported, like on the picture below.

Press “Create” and you’ll see 4 entries listed, like in the picture below. Done.