Roberto Fietta. Science education and naturalistic vocation, dedicated with passion to the web and new challenges, aware that technology should remain a tool and not become an end.
Mountain enthusiast, looking for the beauty of life in the essentiality and is convinced that a bike will save the world.

Michael Travan. Insanely in love with UX/UI design and visual communication. When he’s not inside Illustrator, you can find him playing his banjo or cooking asian food.

Stefano Lissa (Satollo). 10+ years experienced coder on many platforms, WordPress lover, I wrote many plugins (all available on wordpress.org) not last the Newsletter plugin which is my most important work on WordPress. To deal with an increase demand of features for Newsletter I teamed up with Roberto and Micheal and started a collaboration right here. More about me and my plugin on www.satollo.net.