Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Antiflood Triggered and SPAM

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  • #339286
    Mary Meredith


    We are running TNP and have almost 18k subscribers for marketing. We have our DMARC current, Akismet installed, and a recaptcha on the sign up page. Hosting is from Siteground.

    This is the second time in less than two weeks where we have sent out newsletters to our confirmed subscribers and siteground has flagged as spam. Anyone else encounter this issue? Is it because they are sending too quickly or is there something else to check?

    Our log is showing 5 Antiflood Triggered fatal errors and 1 Akismet blocked.

    We do utilize images that have been uploaded to our wordpress site. Could that be causing the issue?



    are you currently sending with Siteground itself?


    Mary Meredith

    We are and have been for the past three years without issue until now.

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