Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Redirecting Issues for multiple links

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  • #330865

    1. Current subs can put their email address into the form and hit sign up, no message appears, just throws them into the Newsletter Page and does NOT use the Repeated subscriptions text.

    2. Hitting Unsubscribe within the sent Newsletters does NOT unsub the user and it simply places them in the Newsletter Page. No email, no Goodbye message and they are NOT unsubed.

    3. When selecting Manage your subscription from the Newsletter, I can go and hit the unsubscribe button there, it loads them into the newsletter page, it unsubs the user and sends the Goodbye email. Not sure why unsubing them sends them to the newsletter landing page and does not give them a Goodbye message?

    4. Within the unsubed Goodbye email, hitting the Resubscribe option throws them into the Newsletter Page with no confirmation. However it does Resub them to the newsletter.

    I am unsure as to the WHY this is happening. Everything else works great. The welcome emails are sent, the newsletters are sent, the sign up form works. Just the above Items I am having issues with.

    I have read the documentation and watch a video but most seem outdated. Can someone point me in the right direction?


    Settings > General settings > Public page is set and the shortcode [newsletter] is in the set page.

    I had created an entire newsletter landing page and this was set as the public page.
    Once I created a new page and set it as the public page with nothing but the shortcode [newsletter]. Everything above was instantly fixed!



    yes, that’s what was missing. Glad it works correctly now!


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