Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Wrong Welcome E-Mail Sending

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  • #323548

    Hi there!

    I’ve setup the plugin with all messages/emails in German and English. I’ve setup new, designed welcome e-mails in both GER & EN. When the subscription is done in English, the whole process is in English, EXCEPT at the very end it send the German Welcome-Email.
    Does anyone know how I can fix that or what could be the issue here?

    Thanks in advance!


    Hi, it seems a bug for multilanguage installation, we're checking. And specifically for the welcome email designed with the composer.
    I'll get back tomorrow when I can complete some tests (and probably a fix release will be published).


    Hey there! Thanks so much! If it helps to know: I'm using polylang as the multilanguage tool. Let me know if there's anything else you need to know that would help.


    Hi, it is a general problem with multilanguage, double opt-in, and custom welcome emails. It will be fixed with today's release.

    Just a note: while testing, if an already registered email address is used to try a second signup, the signup language and the language of the existing subscriber could create some glitches: we're looking at them as well.

    For tests, we recommend using a email address not already registered.


    Hi! Awesome! Wow! Yes, I remember also stumbling over issues when the email was already subscribed and I tested it that way. I figured out its best to first kick the email off the list again and then do the whole process fresh again. Thank you so much for looking into it and having found a way to fix it! It's such an incredible plugin, helping people build their business and make a living. <3


    hey there! It's fixed!! BUT it seems now there is another bug shoing up. While all the emails are properly sending in EN, the opt-in pages (so welcome & activation pages) are directed towards the german versions. When using the sign-up from the english main page, the url immediately goes back to the root url and then shows the german newsletter page instead of the english one. Strangely the Emails being send out (also the custom welcome email) are fine and sent out in EN. Can you look into this again? Let me know, if you need any more information. Thanks again!


    Hi Julie, the page shown should be connected to the subscriber language, so the redirect should redirects to the public page for german if the subscriber language is german.
    It it's not working there something we need to check (I've make some tests with success, I need to try other combinations).
    Have you make the test with a not registered email address?


    Found the issue!
    For some reason I had to re-assign the newsletter page (i think you call them "public pages") for EN and GER. After doing that I tested the sign up again (always with a fresh email), and now the whole process worked! Perfect! I'm not sure why all of a sudden it showed the newsletter pages were not assigned to languages yet - maybe that happened with the update. I hadn't changed anything on them prior to the update from you. But there you go. 🙂 Anyway. After re-assigning the pages all worked fine. Hope my info helps!


    Hi, yes, that is a recent change, we sent a newsletter about that :-). On the admin side, there should have been a couple of warnings about that required change.
    That is a step we took to reduce the multilanguage management problems (as you see it is not so easy to manage it...).

    Thank you for your collaboration!


    Ah snap! Sorry for the confusion then coming from me not spotting that. I hadn't paid attention. Thank you very much for your responses & help! Again, it's an amazing plugin, so much is possible on the free version that enables people to get a business running. 🙂

    Have a wonderful day!

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