Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Database Error

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  • #304622

    When I want to save an e-mail address, I get the following error message: "Database error. If you were saving a newsletter try a table upgrade from the status panel."

    I opened the file "store-2023-07-b37a38ec.txt" for this purpose. Here are the contents:

    29-07-2023 10:08:15 - FATAL - 7.8.9 - 93,5 MB/1 GB - xyz > Unknown column 'list_41' in 'field list'
    29-07-2023 10:08:15 - FATAL - 7.8.9 - 93,5 MB/1 GB - xyz > UPDATE CXkVskapnewsletter SET email = 'kontakt@chris-andfriends.de', name = '', surname = '', sex = 'n', status = 'C', language = '', test = '0', feed = '0', list_1 = '0', list_2 = '0', list_3 = '0', list_4 = '0', list_5 = '0', list_6 = '0', list_7 = '0', list_8 = '0', list_9 = '0', list_10 = '0', list_11 = '0', list_12 = '0', list_13 = '0', list_14 = '0', list_15 = '0', list_16 = '0', profile_1 = '', profile_2 = '', profile_3 = '', profile_4 = '', profile_5 = '', profile_6 = '', profile_7 = '', profile_8 = '', profile_9 = '', profile_10 = '', profile_11 = '', profile_12 = '', profile_13 = '', profile_14 = '', profile_15 = '', profile_16 = '', profile_17 = '', profile_18 = '', profile_19 = '', profile_20 = '', wp_user_id = '0', token = '876a091724', list_17 = '0', list_18 = '0', list_19 = '0', list_20 = '0', list_21 = '0', list_22 = '0', list_23 = '0', list_24 = '0', list_25 = '0', list_26 = '0', list_27 = '0', list_28 = '0', list_29 = '0', list_30 = '0', list_31 = '0', list_32 = '0', list_33 = '0', list_34 = '0', list_35 = '0', list_36 = '0', list_37 = '0', list_38 = '0', list_39 = '0', list_40 = '0', list_41 = '0', list_42 = '0', list_43 = '0', list_44 = '0', list_45 = '0', list_46 = '0', list_47 = '0', list_48 = '0', list_49 = '0', list_50 = '0', list_51 = '0', list_52 = '0', list_53 = '0', list_54 = '0', list_55 = '0', list_56 = '0', list_57 = '0', list_58 = '0', list_59 = '0', list_60 = '0', list_61 = '0', list_62 = '0', list_63 = '0', list_64 = '0', list_65 = '0', list_66 = '0', list_67 = '0', list_68 = '0', list_69 = '0', list_70 = '0', list_71 = '0', list_72 = '0', list_73 = '0', list_74 = '0', list_75 = '0', list_76 = '0', list_77 = '0', list_78 = '0', list_79 = '0', list_80 = '0', list_81 = '0', list_82 = '0', list_83 = '0', list_84 = '0', list_85 = '0', list_86 = '0', list_87 = '0', list_88 = '0', list_89 = '0', list_90 = '0', list_91 = '0', list_92 = '0', list_93 = '0', list_94 = '0', list_95 = '0', list_96 = '0', list_97 = '0', list_98 = '0', list_99 = '0', list_100 = '0' WHERE id = '910'


    Hi, looking at the error, the man number of lists has been changed with a define in your wp-config.php to raise the number to 100, but the plugin needs to be deactivated and reactivate to update the database.


    It can't be because of that. Because the error occurred before I had changed the wp-config..


    Hi, in your code it is clearly trying to save data for the list number 100 and that is only possible if the max number of lists has been customized. Check your wp-config.php. If you can't find the define that changes the number of lists, you should check the functions.php of your theme, which is activated before all plugins.

    Newsletter creates 40 lists on installation.

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