Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support [[newsletter] shortcode only shows email, how can I get the name field as well?

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  • #298656

    I like the plugin a lot but...

    I installed the plugin on a version of my site for testing, and it was working fine (mostly). It's now on the live site, and one big issue I have is that on the newsletter page, the shortcode [newsletter] only display the email (field + label). On my test site, it was displaying both name and email, which is how I want it. I tried to build a custom form, and that works, but then I lose all the functionality of the messages to the subscriber, which is not an option! So... how do I get the option to ask potential subscribers for a name?

    Thanks in advance!


    Hi, you should open the "subscription form fields" panel and set which fields should be visible. Probably on your staging site, the configuration is different the on production.


    Bingo!!! Yes, that was the problem. Thank you so much!

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