Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Repeating Previous Content

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  • #294400

    Hi All,

    I believe I read somewhere in the docs that when a newsletter is generated, it checks the blocks for new content, and if it doesn't find any, it won't create the block. I have also observed this behavior by sending out test emails without updating site content, and the newsletter that get's sent is essentially blank (with a message saying no new content.)

    While I'm sure this is a great feature for many, I need to be able to repeat previously sent content in new newsletters, as I often have to run the same blog content for multiple newsletters.

    Is it possible to have the newsletter plugin repeat previous content?



    Hi, I suppose you're referring to the Automated addon. I can suggest opening a ticket if you're using that addon.
    Anyway the "posts block" has options to use all the articles it finds without filtering by date: it shows them when used in the Automated template configuration panel.

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