I have recently installed the Let's Encrypt' certificate on my site and I have installed a re-direct on the site to redirect from http to https ; since then, the 'edit subscription' in newsletters sent fails with an 'Invalid data' message; the link is still showing the http:// domain -
yes, I just did that they are now https and the test newsletter email goes out with the https: domain but the error persists; the link key generated is ?nltr=NDM7MTtodHRwczovL3BlbnNpb25lcnNmb3JpbmRlcGVuZGVuY2Uuc2NvdC8%2FbmE9cHJvZmlsZSZuaz0xLTkwYWFiZDlkZjU7O2NhOWE5NDQ1ZTBhNDMxNjVjODNkZTBjNzc4NjllZWJi