I try to pass data from Ninja to WP Hook, but the "list" parameter does not provide data. Only the Pre-assigned lists are added to the data.
What can be wrong?
I was checking the code looks like you need to use "Lists" not "list" in your code, as per tnp.php:
// Lists (an arrayunder the key "lists")
// Preferences (field names are nl[] and values the list number so special forms with radio button can work)
if (isset($params['lists']) && is_array($params['lists'])) {
foreach ($params['lists'] as $list_id) {
$user['list_' . ((int)$list_id)] = 1;
I've tried all sorts of variations, one thing, but it did not work.
However, since the Ninja form module has been completed, I have put this problem down.
Thanks for the idea!
best regards